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Across 12 video courses (+ introduction and summary) followed by questions and assignments you’ll be equipped to shape a successful transformative brand and the meaningful marketing that’s bringing it alive. Estimated completion time 2-3 hours.

You’ll learn
• How to avoid purpose-washing and find your organisation’s true relevance
• How to play a more meaningful and authentic role in people’s lives
• How to create behaviour change at scale and ultimately unlock sales

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Masterclass sample: The Arrow towards a better you!

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Get a taste of what to expect

14 instructional videos

Hours of inspiring cases

Questions and exercises

Key take-aways

3-4 hours content

Proprietary tools and methodologies you can use to build meaningful and transformative leadership

Take a deep dive into what you’ll learn!  

Arrow scaled 1

1. Change begins with who?

An introduction to the methodology and thinking

2. Me is the new mass

The mass-production and mass-marketing era is losing its power to the democratisation of everything from businesses to media.

3. Catalysts of the good life

People don’t buy stuff, they buy a better me. Deliver personal distinction: a gain of knowledge, experience or acquired skills.

4. Motivation: the untold story

The market is shifting from an experience economy where it’s about value alignment with people to a transformation econ- omy where it’s about making people’s lives better across body and mind.

5. The arrow towards a better you

We don’t buy what you make or why you make it but WHO you can make me become. Introduction to creating a transformative brand with the tool: The Arrow.

6. The transformative promise

There’s a market pressure on purpose to evolve from a societal benefit to a tangible outcome for people – a transformative promise.

7. The WHO void

Most products and services are generic, asking WHO moves the organisation from low interest to high interest as it enables people to achieve their goals. Tools: The WHO void and The People Transformation Canvas.

8. The business case

Exploring the business case and why transformative campaigns outperform purposeful campaigns

9. Pass the steering wheel

People are increasingly looking for meaning and participation across the marketing mix from promotion to product.
Introduction to the tool: The Wheel – and how to activate transformation across the marketing mix.

10. The five transformative market forces

Learn how to use The Wheel and innovate across the marketing mix and open up for people’s participation and resources.

11. A transformative platform

Most marketing activities don’t offer enough opportunities for engagement; never be afraid to open up for people’s creative input and urge to create. Get to know the 8 guidelines for a transformative platform.

12. The human re-evolution

Painting the bigger picture. Globally increasing living standards and materialism fatigue, combined with digitalisation, automation, robotics and bio- tech, are strengthening the development towards a market driven by self-actualisation.

Most people don’t want better brands – they want a better life and a better world to enjoy it in. In this masterclass Thomas argues that if organisations want to succeed, they should start with what people need – it’s a great call to action for latent changemakers everywhere!

Joanna Yarrow,

Head of Sustainable & Healthy Living, IKEA

“The best way to cut through the marketing BS and put people first”

Ynzo van Zanten
Chief Evangelist, Tony’s Chocolonely

© 2020 Thomas Kolster. All Rights Reserved.